Product Sourcing

We acknowledge and take seriously the important issues around maintaining a dynamic U.S. work force; we also believe in accelerating U.S. competitiveness on the global landscape—U.S. businesses that deliberate too long over the decision to source from the most competitive markets will risk losing their competitive edge. Where we differentiate ourselves from typical sourcing companies is in enhancing our value in three key areas that yield significant, long-term results for our clients: international sales and marketing, business development, and product development. Successfully executed, our initiatives help U.S. clients create new management, design, engineering and accounting/finance jobs by expanding their market reach as they expand their sourcing reach.

Working closely with purchasing, design, sales & marketing and senior management, we craft a holistic strategy that: (1.) leverages our Asia sourcing expertise to improve supply chain management; (2.) taps our Asia market knowledge to effectively expand international distribution, and; (3.) draws on our product development experience to help exploit or incorporate new feature and benefit sets into a client’s product suite to keep them competitive.

We strive to help our clients source and sell overseas; and because we have an unparalleled understanding of the markets where we source, we can become an invaluable in-country and international partner:

  • We apply and leverage our client’s existing know-how in these new Asia sourcing markets;
  • We prevent IP and product knock-off issues from arising;
  • We help our clients maintain control of their business on a global level, rather than limiting international reach and failing to capture total potential market share;
  • We help our clients engage their global competitors in their back yards, making it feasible to maintain a competitive advantage in the lucrative North American market.

Our Areas of Expertise

AsiaGlobal in China:


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